Price Guide for Replacing ONE OR TWO Missing Teeth

To schedule an appointment about replacing missing teeth call 423-307-5703

Do Nothing

Broken or missing teeth do not have to be replaced.  If you are not worried about  chewing or your appearance, then you might choose to leave the missing tooth alone.  Due to the missing tooth,  adjacent teeth will shift and move and lead to further dental issues.   If you do change your mind later, the replacement options may be more difficult and will be more expensive.

Option 1: Dental Implant With Bone Grafting

Implants are the strongest and longest lasting way to replace missing teeth. They require strong bone in the missing tooth spot . If you don’t have enough bone, you may need to re-grow bone as the first step, which means trips to the specialist for bone grafting. In the end, you will probably spend $6k to $10k per tooth, and 12+ months.

Option 2: Regular Dental Implant

With good solid bone, grafting is not needed, and you can replace the missing or broken tooth with an implant. If you have good bone to replace the missing tooth. 3d planning technology is used to plan and place the implant ensuring precision and minimizing discomfort. All treatment can be completed in our office saving you time and further expenses. The cost for an implant is around $3,900 to $5,000. The process may take 4-6 months.

Option 3: Bridge

A bridge is a faster option that has been available for decades. It is less expensive than an implant around $3900- $4,500. The downside of a bridge is that it is difficult to clean and can lead to future cavities or even root canal problems. If part of the bridge fails, you may lose the entire bridge; then you must consider replacing even more teeth.

Option 4: Removable Partial Denture.

This is the cheapest option. A partial will cost $900 to $1800 and will take a few weeks. It is removable. You will get food stuck around your partial. You may have metal hooks that show in your smile. Your speech and ability to eat will be negatively impacted. Partials are the cheapest option and are sometimes useful during healing stages. Partials can be chosen as long term solutions for missing teeth with your understanding of the negative aspects.

Price Guide for Replacing ALL Your Missing Teeth.

We all want to smile and eat great food.  If you are missing all your teeth or know that you will lose your remaining teeth soon, these solutions are available to help keep you smiling and eating the food you love. 

Option 1. A Complex Full Arch Bridge. 

This is reserved for younger individuals with some remaining teeth and healthy bone. The goal is to preserve as much of the natural appearance as possible utilizing 8 to 10 implants.  The treatment requires coordination between our office and specialists with treatment cost totaling $50,000-$65,000 per jaw. A denture may be required in the healing steps.  The process takes 12-24 months. 

Comfort and chewing rating 9.5 out of 10 


Option 2. All on 4 Same Day Smile. 

The same day smile is the most popular option!  Patients of any age are a good candidate for this option which provides a result almost identical to option 1, but at half the price.  The teeth are permanent and do not come out. Utilizing our modern technology and 4-6 implants, you never go without teeth.  It can be completed at our office; no trips to the specialist are needed. Total cost is $26,000-$30,000 per jaw. 

Comfort and chewing rating: 9.5 out of 10. 


Option 3: Implant Supported Snap-In Denture

This is also a popular option and huge improvement over regular loose dentures.  This option utilizes implants with buttons to stabilize the denture preventing it from moving while you are eating or talking in public.  With a top denture, the palate can be removed so that your tongue can feel the roof of your mouth again.   A regular denture is worn during the 5-6 months of healing.  Total cost for the bottom teeth is $5,800-7,500.  Total cost for top teeth is $14,000-20,000.

Comfort and chewing rating 6.0 out of 10


Option 4: A regular removable denture.

This is the traditional option.  Expect a bulky lip and no way to chew the food you love.  It is removable and sometimes it removes itself creating an embarrassing moment.  The top denture utilizes suction and denture glue to stay in place.  The bottom denture does not stay in place even with the use of denture glue.  Many people wear their bottom denture for social occasions only.  The price of the denture is about $1400 per jaw plus the price of extractions depending on how many teeth you have remaining. Our goal is the best denture possible made specifically for you using durable high quality denture teeth.  Like with all our options, you get to pick out the color of your new teeth creating the smile that best fits you.  

Comfort and chewing rating 1.5 out of 10